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Amariah Torres

  • Wednesday, April 12, 2023
  • 1 Minute Read   

AmariahTorres_2023Amariah Torres is a full time data analyst at Dairy Council of California. She will be supporting the data analysis and evaluation work for the organization.

As a clinical specialist at biotech company specializing in COVID-19 testing, Amariah created dashboards to track organization COVID cases at all their facilities to minimize large-scale outbreaks. 

She is passionate about women’s health and how to decrease the prevalence of diabetes and obesity in her community. She is excited about the Dairy Council’s cause to promote healthy eating and nutrition education. One of her favorite Del Mar Fair exhibits to visit every year is the milking demonstration. 

She received her undergraduate degree at San Diego State University in Public Health and is working on her Masters of Public Health in Epidemiology at the same institution. 

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  • March 05, 2020
  • 1 Minute Read

Mariella Rhoads

Mariella Rhoads has served as Dairy Council of California's Customer Relationship Database Coordinator for over 28 years.

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