Technical Advising Professionals
Looking for a Technical Advising Professional? The Smarter Lunchrooms Movement of California provides technical advising to schools interested in implementing Smarter Lunchrooms Movement strategies. For support and resources, contact a Technical Advising Professional near
The Smarter Lunchrooms Movement of California trains and certifies Technical Advising Professionals (TAPs). Certified TAPs support and advise schools and school districts on implementing SLM strategies. The steps below must be completed before advising
schools and districts on SLM implementation:
Step 1: Online Training: Creating Smarter Lunchrooms
Step 2: Online Training: Generating Buy-In
Step 3: In-Person TAP Training with Guided Site Visit
Step 4: Continued Professional Development Opportunities
Watch this recorded webinar for an overview of the SLM of California Collaborative, and a breakdown of the SLM implementation process in California. This webinar will outline the steps to becoming a certified Technical Advising Professional (TAP), which is the baseline requirement before helping schools implement SLM. Learn how to access training, and the resources that are provided once TAP certification is complete.
The Technical Advising Professionals (TAPs) Toolkit is a valuable resource in implementing SLM in schools. This toolkit walks you through each step of the technical advising process and provides easy-to-use resources to guide you along the way. Download The Technical Advising Professionals Toolkit.
Certified Technical Advising Professionals can enter their completed scorecards into this online portal.