Choose My Plate is built around the food groups. You will need to choose foods from all of the food groups to help your body learn, play, and grow strong and healthy.
Can you build the plate by dragging the food groups into the right spot?
Click or Tap each food group to learn more.
Do you know how much to eat from each food group every day?
Click the “Next” button and learn more about healthy eating.
You matched the foods into the right group and figured out how much you need every day.
Eating balanced meals, one food from each food group, will help you learn, play, and grow healthy and strong.
Click the “Next” button to learn more about physical activity.
You reached 60 minutes of physical activity you need every day!
Eating healthy foods from all of the food groups and doing 60 minutes of physical activity every day are healthy habits for you and your family!